Monday, 16 April 2012

If only all or ANY of my public toilet visits were like this.

In my recent blog I told of an incident which went horribly wrong - at least it felt so at the time. Sometimes these visits to a public shithouse do go pretty well -or even brilliantly. But when things go right they are boring to relate. Over the years I've had quite a few scary experiences, some real close encounters with dangerous men and circumstances, not to mention the police. These are the incidents which are more interesting to write about. Though some of them scared me shitless when they happened, I have manage to escape pretty well unscathed. At least so far.
    So in future blogs, occasionally, I'll tell you about some of these times, some of which seem quite funny in hindsight, even though I came close to injury on a number of occasions. But when one is desperate for cock fun, and your todger is acting as your brain, sometimes you've just got to follow where it points, right?