Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Am I pervy getting kick from seeing brothers having cock fun together?

These three, or certainly the two on the right, have uncannily similar features, though I'm sure we would have been told if they had been closely related - or related at all - so I assume that they're not (right?) If they'd turned out to be triplets then my satisfaction would be complete! The mere thought of two (or more) adult brothers stark bollock-naked together and engaging in no-holds-barred intimate touching, and a lot more, just gives me stirrings and twitchings 'down below' which I feel society tells me to be disgusted at but somehow feel no revulsion at all - as long as they are consensual acts between mature males I see no problem in the least. That it's called 'incest' is, I suppose, meant for us to throw our hands up in horror - and particularly for those of us who've had a strict religious upbringing, it being grievously 'sinful' in the extreme.  If you ask me ,it's more than high time that people kept their noses out of harmless activities between consenting adults which have no deleterious effects either individually or on society as a whole - though, of course, they would argue that it does do just that, so we've all got to go along with what they think!  To which I can only say - Piss, shit, fuck, ballocks and cock - lots of it!
My rant is over (for now) - and yet despite all that, the above pic may, in the end, not be one of actual brothers playing with each other after all. Oh well! Can't win 'em all! 😄