Monday, 24 February 2020

What's all this about?


My guess is that, like so many groups of 'lads' at home, they were watching some strictly straight porn while supping beer, cocks out and stroking their own. But now the film has abruptly finished and they find themselves, jeans down and unsatisfied, one of them thought "Well, why not?" None of them are really 'like that' . None have had gay experiences (or so they all claim!) but what the hell, no one need know! The two on the right look on transfixed. What I say is "Go to it, lads! Widen your horizons. Nothing to be ashamed of, If it really is your first time it sure as shit won't be your last!" 😁

Double-sucking. Remember your first time?

I don't think it had ever occurred to me before I saw a certain crude, hastily scribbled drawing on a toilet wall of two men in the above position. This was way back decades ago when I was barely into my teens at a time when the only proper 'porn' available was that on the walls of public shithouses - any magazines, books, even single photographs of any sexual act, just solo exposure, was strictly illegal and nothing was more criminal than the depiction of, or just writing about, gay sex - and as for any gay sex, even in private, highly criminal!  Anyway, I'd only just discovered that veritable treasure trove of filthy stories and drawings having been on a mission to find and rub out a message I'd been told was going to be scrawled that I was a 'homo' by the bullies who'd abused me and taken away my innocence, a story I've recounted several times in previous posts so I won't repeat it here. After the initial shock and horror of finding the similar state of  walls in all public toilets I quickly developed an uncontrollable craving to read more and more - and thus found I eventually this drawing of a double-suck. 
By then I'd already have had a number of sexual encounters, fumblings mostly in toilets (and once in a ciinema) with strangers, mostly unsatisfactory, as well as embarking on my first suckings and, of course, being sucked off by men who'd found my tender adolescent years quite a catch - but there'd never been an opportunity to do a double-suck - until I was to be asked to go back with a man to his own apartment. Up to then, although I'd been asked a number of times I'd always refused as being too risky to go with a stranger to an unknown place. Even if I'd thought of it, attempting a double-suck on the piss-soaked concrete floor of a public toilet or in park bushes wouldn't have been much better either. But here I was at last, and inevitably, going off with a man, more than double my then age, to his place where we wouldn't be interrupted, just for the purpose of having sheer, randy sex! The thought was so exciting I'm surprised I didn't cum as we walked along. He himself seemed to have an increasing 'limp' as we progressed. I realised why only later.
Once at his place we stripped naked, each helping the other and. for my first ever time, I sank down on a bed with a naked man - the first time I'd seen a mature man in the flesh fully naked and, from what I remember, he wasn't at all bad. We'd have started with the usual kissing, maybe some licking, then the sucking, taking it in turns at each other's cock - and then, feeling so bold with the image of that drawing in my mind, it was me who switched round into the position for a 69. Of course no words were necessary. We each took each other's cock into our mouths and sucked, sucked, sucked...........Jesus! We must have sucked each other fuckin' raw! We probably shot our spunk several times, me especially as I had more youthful zest - but not yet directly into my mouth. That was a pleasure I was yet to discover.

Since that first time I always want to incorporate double-sucking into all my cock-fun sessions (as I also do for shithole licking) and have never looked back - though you always get those guys who love their own cocks being sucked but for some crazy reason won't take another's cock into their own mouths. You've all met them, haven't you?

There seems to be something so logical about two men double-sucking each other. It's almost as though the male body was designed for it - so comfortable and pleasurable at the same time - far moreso, I'd maintain, than it is for a man and a woman in the same position. Two men are like two gadgets fitting together - we all know where the vital bits of one goes into the other - and they so readily click together. 
So let's hear it for all of us proud double-suckers  YEAH!!!