Saturday, 27 April 2019

Friendly little circle

When the topics for discussion have all been exhausted and you want to find something else to do, what can be better than this? Answer: Just about nothing!

Jesus Fuckin' Christ!

What a gob-stopper! He's gonna get lockjaw with that one.

Indian of my wet dreams.

I get near to cumming just by looking at him. If he was here in the flesh I've no doubt I'd get premature ejaculation so in that respect, the only respect, in which it's better to just look.

The duty we fulfil by sucking cock.

Less of a 'duty', more pure, unadulterated pleasure for two.

A living 'penny-in-the-slot' machine.

There's no doubt where he wants it - desperately. 

Beefed-up quartet fucking one of their own.

When they've all had their turn someone's gonna have it flowing down his inside thigh.