When I suck cock and see a waist string before my eyes (which is far too rare!) as well as a male belly button, my satisfaction is complete.
I wanna wake him up ever so gently by first blowing lightly on his balls and bumhole. If that doesn't work the lightest touch on those areas with tongue. Still no response? Then something a little more drastic may be required, like a deftly inserted finger up the bum......and after that, well it'll be up to you.
.........even when an intrinsic part of him is out of it!
......but they sure look like they're having fun - or have just had some.
More than tease, it's an in-yer-face flashings - and that's perfectly fine with me, considering who it is who's doing it.
Coupling complete, so take it away!
With a weapon every bit as attractive as the rest of him.
Maybe not but it's the thought that I wanna have!
Never mind the fishes, just think of those who are gonna swim in there after him, taking in mouthfuls of water and piss. (Mmmmmm yeah!)