Saturday, 8 June 2019

All looking nicely primed and ready for insertion.

Good fucking, chaps - but while you're waiting your turns can I keep the ones on the far left (or right) busy and hard till it's their turns to pump?

Sweaty Indian(?) Daddy.

He's called an Indian on the original posting, though he doesn't look it - but he could be, I suppose. But whether or not, he sure is hot and I want him now!


If he can get the one who's fucking him to shoot at the same time - perfection! But not so easy to bring off, is it?

Wait a sec while I get round to the other side.

What's on his head? Underpants? Not that it matters as his head is not what I'm most interested in right now. That may come later.

Scout troop? Getting their team ready to play?

If so, guy on right (their troop leader?) I'd bet is the goalie. The three centre guys show potential, and I'm not talking football! 

Just helping each other to wash? Yeah, right!

They fool no one. Caught in the middle of some cock fun - at least one of their bodies (most likely both) gives the game away. Don't worry. We won't tell - unless you refuse to show us more.

Nice pisser.

Is that a woodie he's getting there? Looks like it. I reckon he's the kind of guy who, when he wants something is determined to get it - and will take no shit from anyone. A bit scary too.

Take 'em right off and spread yer legs!

I wanna have a close up gander at what you both shit out of. Closer! So I can lick the screen. 

Daddy's on a cruise.

We wish him luck, and if he makes a catch that's exactly what the other guy's likely to have too.

Was this a surprise flash?

Is that the reason for the flailing arms and hands? From the state of some of their cocks (I can count at least three full stiffies, the rest being semis) they were just about to get into something rather interesting - with no holds barred and no rules.