Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Another humiliating army punishment.

Whenever I want to be cheered up I only have to look at a sketch like this and I'm pissing myself with laughter. A 'bad lad' being forcibly tossed off by one of his mates, and having his balls licked at the same time, under the stern watch of the drill sergeant who gave the command, while two more squaddie victims await their turn, quaking in their army boots - and cacking their shorts, I bet. Terrible for those who've never yet touched a cock other than their own - and for the others who have, it can't be much fun being made to do in front of their sadistic commanding officer what they do to each other in private in the showers or wherever. I wonder what they did to deserve such embarrassing punishment. I reckon it could only be that one night out on leave they went out to a pub, got themselves sloshed and in their usual macho way ("mine's bigger than yours") they bragged about how many girls each one had fucked, got into a brawl and were hauled back to barracks by the military police who'd been called out to break up the disturbance. So it was only right that their punishment would be something to take them down a peg or two, something they wouldn't want their mates knowing about. But one thing is certain. They sure as shit won't forget their punishment in a hurry. - Ha ha!

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