Tuesday, 24 March 2020


Four cheerful young chaps happy to expose themselves to censure by demonstrating what true 'showmanship' really means. 

If anyone doesn't like what they see, too bad! They'll just have to grin and bare it, In actual fact, one woman, complaining to the cops, when asked to describe the young flashers running around stark naked, replied "Well I didn't really see their faces. They were all hooded" 😄

Be sensible and stay safe, all you cock-worshippers out there, wherever you are.


  1. Show-off's, indeed they are!

    And LMAO at that poor woman... Poor, I repeat! ^.^

    1. I just wanna suck 'em off in turn. Looks like their balls need lightening their loads so I'd be doing them all a BIG favour. :-)

  2. Exhibition is such a big thrill ... the very act of being naked and seeing naked men in public makes my groin tingle with excitement! It's even better when "sampling the wares" is part of the deal !!! :-)

    1. I couldn't agree more, DB. Seeing a man in all his bollock-naked glory is the perfect prelude - a 'taster' , if you will - to sampling and, indeed, fully feasting on what he has to offer.
