Wednesday, 4 March 2020

"The train now standing at......

"Please note that this is a Men-Only train. Join if you wish, though I'm afraid it's standing room only - and please keep your personal belongings and bags close by you at all times."

I've never been part of one of these train/chains though I have seen just the one in 'motion' comprising this same number or, maybe five. Trouble is it's not easy for them to keep all cocks plugged in at same time, there being one or more that just keep slipping out. And as for organising a synchronised pumping motion together, it can't be effective because when they do start moving together there can't be any friction on an individual basis to keep all their cocks hard, and so inevitably they start getting limp.  It works well for a still photograph, with them raising a leg high to give us a good view of the 'links' (which is the whole point of doing it, really) but as for seeing one of these chains actually in motion on film or, even rarer, seeing it happen live, well that's harder to come by - or has been for me anyway.

Being one of those guys who cannot maintain a hard-on when I've got a cock (or any other object) up my bum, I'm sure if I were to attempt to join such a line I'd spoil it for the others, me being the 'weak link'. Always love to watch other guys at it though.

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