Saturday, 25 July 2020

Hung out to dry.

Ha ha! Nearly pissed myself when I first saw this. Whatever it was that this 'poor' guy did to make him subject to such humiliating punishment there's no doubt in my mind that he must have fully deserved it. I wonder if he's in such a place where casual walkers ambling along can go by - and have the opportunity to stand and gawp at him in all his spectacular, brutal nakedness. Perhaps a short notice posted beside him could inform us of the 'crime' or misbehaviour which warrants his demeaning public exposure in this manner - and, further, suggesting that those who deplore what he did are invited, from a designated short distance, to spit at him.   
Being set up in such an exposed and vulnerable crucifixion pose offers irresistible temptation to any helpful, or even sympathetic, male onlooker to give him some momentary relief by sucking him off, something I'd be only too happy to do for him were he to be a feature on my route. 
Tough titty, young fella. You'll just have to 'grin' and bear it. (You're already being made to bare it, much to your acute discomfort!) Ha ha! - with nobs on. You reap what you sow! 😄  

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