Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Man-milking in groups - machine-forced extraction.


It's no surprise that with ever-increasing demand worldwide for this easily gathered, beneficial, protein-rich nutrient, the time would come when it needs to be mass-produced on an industrial scale by automatic means. Already it is being extracted from willing (and some not so willing) healthy men in the manner of cows being milked, and there's nothing at all wrong with that:-

Or, more punishingly.......

Note the paddle held on the left side, ready to deliver a sharp 'thwack' to the backside of the guy who fails to deliver what is required - as has already been done to the one on the left - as well as the hooks securing them rectally against trying to wriggle out of their restrained positions. Very thoughtful! 😂 


Male spunk can be used for consumption as a rich, concentrated aid to the nurture of masculinity. As I've written previously, certain African and Asian 'primitive' tribes have long recognised this through the ages, their adolescent boy members passing into adulthood being compelled to undergo an initiation ritual involving the ingestion of their own father's cum - and often, if they are surviving, that of their grandfathers and elder brothers too, (and their uncles as well, for all I know!) in order to ensure that they carry on the best masculine traits of their ancestors. Only then can the young guy be truly recognised as having become a 'man'. Whether the young man receives his initiation by kneeling open-mouthed on the ground while his male relatives queue up to pump their jizz into his mouth, or if they in turn toss themselves off into a collective bowl which is then stirred into a 'soup' which the young man, feigning reluctance,  must drink down to the last drop, I don't know. Maybe it varies with the tribe. 
Of course in the past those busybody Christian missionaries ruthlessly tried to stamp out this perfectly harmless practice, though it does still survive in a number of native 'pockets', thank God!


Sometimes young men today are sold as modern-day slaves, and a good and accurate indication of their quality is the standard of their jizz, measured not only by its appearance but often, as best practice, a sample of their freshly ejaculated sperm will be offered to the prospective purchaser to taste or even an entire load to swallow. For this eventuality, a constant supply of fresh spunk is extracted from each of the youths on sale regularly collected from a container attached to their stiffened penises, ejaculation being 'encouraged' or stimulated by the application of sharp, though harmless, electric shock to the boys' cockheads, just unpleasurable enough to discourage them holding back from allowing their spunk to shoot freely and hotly :-

And while this prospective buyer above is sucking the cock of his possible purchase the three guys in the background will shortly have a stimulating electric shock into their cocks to excite them to orgasm once more and produce yet more spunk to be sampled - for there is surely no better way to gauge the suitability of a slave than to taste and swallow his cum. If when the shock is delivered his balls have not yet replenished their store of sperm he will merely have to suffer a dry climax, leaving his cock feeling yet more raw than before, so he'd better get on with reloading before the next electric shock comes, a further dry orgasm sure to leave him totally and painfully wiped out.  Ha ha! 😄 

Often the prospective purchase will be checked at both ends simultaneously, one buyer testing out his cock-sucking proficiency while another checks on how his bum-end copes with being fucked there. Does the man's cock slide in easily and, having entered and rammed right in up to the owner-fucker's bush, will his shithole muscles wrap round the cock-shaft tightly, offering good friction to bring the daddy- fucker to the satisfying climax he needs? All this needs ascertaining before cash changes hands, right?

Needless to say, the checking out will also include the young man's shithole being sniffed, licked and tasted too. Any deviation from his not keeping himself immaculately clean (including the underside of his foreskin) will cause him to be immediately rejected - after all, the buyer will want him so clean that he could eat his dinner directly off the slaves bum - with the owner being able and keen to lick the 'plate' afterwards! 


Milking factories are becoming more popular too such as above where, if you look at the quantities each of the guys has produced it's clear that the one at the far end has quite some catching up to do. 


Now for some illustrations depicting some rather more reluctant donors, all requiring a measure of electric stimulation to get them successfully milked..............

All the above threesomes look as though their being milked is part of a punishment session accounting, if not gagged, for their grimacing in discomfort, though I'm sure their ejected spunk would be used to good purpose.


Now for some superb genuine photos of young men in restraint as they re being milked. The first being of a prisoner in an individual 'cage', in his case being gagged (What is he reaching out for? Looks like some tablets or something.). In the following three views the young men, all with hands fastened tightly behind them, in place of gags are given breathing tubes (pure oxygen to further enhance the quality of their ejaculate?) as well as being in full rigid restraint with no room to move or even wriggle, including their bum being hooked in place - does that include a prostate stimulation?  All beautiful stuff! I'd love to see a video of their milking.



And finally, a really intriguing find - large scale milking (in Japan?) captured in some terrific photos from a video entitled 'The Losers', though I did find these when surfing for man-milking sites. Exactly what is going on here I have no idea - and why that title? Are these young men being punished by this treatment? Is their spunk being taken because they've not come out on top in some competition or trial? Obviously their being hung up off the floor by their arms is going to be uncomfortable the longer it lasts. Is their being connected in pairs by their cocks being attached to some weird cum-collecting contraption significant? - or does whatever they're attached to give them periodic electric shocks through the cock as a penalty for some crime or lesser misbehaviour, rather than stimulating them to repeated spunk-producing orgasm in a way which must be painful when they've been drained of jizz and can only 'dry' climax time after time until their balls have been replenished? 

I must mention that every time I try to investigate the story behind these images I am warned that delving further is very likely to infect my computer with a 'Trojan' virus, something I've had to endure before and, having learnt a severe lesson, I do not ever want to experience again.  If your computer has ever been infected by a 'Trojan' yourself you will know exactly what I mean. It's just not worth the risk - which makes not knowing what is going on with these young men all the more frustrating. But anyway, for what it's worth, these are the illustrations which I've found, all entitled 'The Losers':-   


Now don't tell me you're not interested to know what's going on here. If anyone does find out without being infected with a computer virus, please do let us all know in the comments below. We'll be ever so grateful. 😃  


  1. This is nasty, i love your father and son post really, please post more about that

    Hi, i've been your fan since the old days until now, your posts are amazing, i know i am asking too much, i just created naked daddy videos blog and i want to be friends with you as sharing links, if you dont mind, thank you in advance! Love you!

    My blog is

    1. Hi, HND. Thanks for the compliments, but I've frankly become too old now to do much active interchanging on my blogs. In fact for some time I've been seriously thinking about bringing it to an end (though maybe not quite yet). I just don't have the impetus any longer which I once had, my actual experiences having virtually dried up now. But many thanks for the thought.
      Btw: I couldn't get any result when I attempted to search out your blog. Maybe the address isn't quite right?

  2. Wow, you replied me, thank you! Don't worry about that, you can post anytime you want, because it's not really necessary as long you'll update someday
    my blog is
    please visit if you have time, okay

    1. oh my blog is new, so it still not indexed yet, but i got some visitors from my friends link

    2. I've found your blog at last - and have now got you on my 'follow list'.

    3. thanks my man, have you visited my blog too? we should do bloglisting too, i'll put yours in my blog too, if you dont mind. I'm waiting for another part of father and son nudity post from you!

    4. I'm now seriously considering closing down this blog, HND, due to my diminishing interest. If I do or if I don't, my thanks to you for your own interest shown.

    5. oh no, okay, if that's what you want, i wish you good life in real life, thank you for all this time. I lost another blog friend. Can you tell me your email, not in this comment section but with my contact form on my blog if you dont mind, so we can keep in touch, it's sad.

  3. I don't think I'd have any problem being hooked up to a milking machine! I'd probably love it.

    1. I can imagine the first ejaculation being great. But after that, if there's no stopping for rest and 'recharging', it must get progressively more and more uncomfortable and very soon painful till you're dried up completely and begging and screaming for it to stop with your cock and balls all red and sore. Great to watch others in the predicament, though. Ha ha!

  4. I think post was Hawt! More, please.

    1. Thanks, Jimmy. I also find this subject extremely 'stimulating', though I only wish I could find more stories, preferably true, with illustrations and depictions of the practice. If and when I do you can be assured that I'll post them here.

  5. I can see you're obsessed with cum. Great taste, man!

    1. Was sure I'd done a blog post many years ago on the differing tastes of spunk from different men, though I can't find it now. Maybe time to have another re-appraisal? - but my opinion won't have changed. It'll still be my favourite 'food'.

    2. please, try to find it!

    3. No luck so far, X. but I've just seen your own blogs on the subject and they are, quite honestly, totally amazing. So much info! I'll have to return to them to appreciate fully all what you say. IF I did, in fact write the blog-post I mentioned, and wasn't dreaming, it was nowhere near as long and detailed as your own several ones are, so you wouldn't have got anything new in what I wrote - IF I did.
      I'd have missed your blogs that I've just seen because, my sex urge being now nothing like what it what it was in my younger, active years, I sometimes allow long gaps of several weeks, sometimes even months between times when I look at the posts of those I follow. Clearly yours have fallen into those 'gaps', otherwise I most definitely would have left comments on them. So thanks for pointing them out to me It sure is a major 'discovery'!

    4. happy you can enjoy now!
