Monday, 2 March 2020

He couldn't wait one sec longer..

If he'd just shucked those jeans right off he could've spread his legs wider to offer even easier access to those sensitive parts he likes (we like) to be licked and licked and licked. When my own body was younger and more flexible than it's now become, in order to present to whomsoever I was having sex-fun with, with the optimum widest possible area for him to cover with his spit, I'd hoist my legs right over so my feet were on either side of my head. Not as easy to achieve that position nowadays. 
This beautiful act between two men must be uniquely the one where the expression on the face of the one it's being done to cannot help but betray the sublime pleasure he feels. And we're all aware of how once a guy starts licking your shithole all other considerations take second place - ain't that right? 😄


  1. I am in sheer ecstasy when my tongue is buried in a man's asshole and I'm licking, sucking, eating him out ... his moans of pleasure and leaking pre-cum are rewarding as I'm stroking myself and his body!

    1. Listening to a guy's moans of heightened pleasure as I lick and munch on his shithole is itself a huge turn on for me too. I've often had to stop to hold back myself from cumming even though I'm not being touched 'down there'. If only ALL guys felt the same way - or at least admitted that they do.
