If seeing these three 69s don't send a warm, sexy tickle through your balls and willy what's wrong with you? We've all done it numerous times and nothing else comes close to experiencing the pleasure of enjoying your partner's body and your own body simultaneously, knowing that the other guy is feeling exactly the same thing as you. Do you extend your wish into hoping that each of you will by sheer chance cum into each other's mouth at precisely the same time? It's happened to me a couple of times at the most, but it really is sheer luck.
The first time I became aware of this most enjoyable of acts was seeing it depicted as a crude drawing on a shithouse wall during my search looking for what those boy scouts who'd abused me had threatened to do, to write my name up on a public toilet wall saying that I was a 'homo'. Being then a naive 12 year-old devoutly Catholic-educated schoolboy, I'd been shocked and horrified to have discovered that so much utter 'filth' is scrawled and drawn in these places, most of which I didn't understand. This particular act of two naked men lying end-to-end and sucking on each other's cocks at the same time was something which had, of course, never occurred to my then pure mind - pure at least until those scouts had made me aware of the impossible- to-resist allure of what I'd very shortly be recognising and calling 'cock fun', and it being impossible to stop looking for it everywhere, anywhere, anytime, all the time. Seeing gay sex written about and drawn on those toilet walls was determinatively crucial in enslaving me to gay lustings forever.
This particular rough image of the double-suck had written under it (I approximate the spelling as I recall it) "Byutiful isnt it?" to which another had replied "It's the very best there is". That was all I needed. I was hooked - and I just had to try it, even though this would even have been before I'd had my own cock sucked for the first time, and certainly before I sucked any cock of someone else. But, having been purposely and brutally corrupted by those scouts (why, when 'playing' with my virgin body, they'd never forced me to suck them I'll never know!) it wasn't too long before I was putting my thoughts into practice, public toilets being then such an easy way to find other guys also looking for 'cock fun' - despite it all then being totally illegal and even responsible for destroying lives. But as I very quickly learnt, there are such strong temptations in the world which even the most devout Catholic schoolboy couldn't resist.
So much for my introduction to double-sucking - and the wonderful feeling I still get from a lifetime of indulging in it, an experience which has never palled. 😄
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